=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2013.08.30 15:54:14 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
login as: root
Welcome to Kindle!
root@'s password:
# N O T I C E * N O T I C E * N O T I C E #
Rootfs is mounted read-only. Invoke mntroot rw to
switch back to a writable rootfs.
[root@kindle root]# k lipc-probe -a -v
r Str summary [name[pid] - state - mem_limit - mem_curr
tmd[13086] - started - 9000 - 2728
mcsd[13088] - started - 5000 - 1180
syslog[964] - started - 5000 - 808
netwatchd[0] - stopped - 5000 - 0
phd[13090] - started - 5000 - 2800
cvm[14228] - started - 103424 - 68272
wifid[13272] - started - 5000 - 3468
browserd[14055] - started - 90000 - 8408
webreader[14013] - started - 80000 - 15668
audioserver[15975] - started - 50000 - 4144
ttsd[13790] - started - 150000 - 6388
powerd[13143] - started - 5000 - 1456
volumd[13095] - started - 5000 - 1348
wand[0] - stopped - 5000 - 0
cmd[13267] - started - 5000 - 1516
w Str start
w Str restart
w Str stop
rw Str logMask [0xffff0000]
w Str kill
w Str heartbeat_start
w Str mem_limit
rw Str logLevel [Current log level=info
(Possible levels: all, perf, debug[9-0], info, warn, error, crit, none)]
w Str heartbeat_stop
rw Str URI []
w Str PlayerStop
rw Int Control [0]
rw Int GstrLatency [10000]
r Int ManagerInitialize [1]
rw Str logLevel [Current log level=none
(Possible levels: all, perf, debug[9-0], info, warn, error, crit, none)]
rw Int CmdIVolume [14]
r Int CmdISpeakerMax [15]
w Str SendEvent
w Int ThreadUp
rw Str logMask [0x00000000]
w Str PlayerDataReady
w Str PlayerRelease
r Int ManagerCleanup [1]
w Str PlayerResume
WARNING: Failed to get value of Seek <0x213>
rw Int Seek
w Str PlayerCreate
w Str PlayerPrefetch
r Int CmdINSinks [2]
rw Int Chapter [0]
WARNING: Failed to get value of ManagerSuspend <0xf>
r Int ManagerSuspend
w Str PlayerLoop
w Str PlayerSeek
w Str PlayerPause
r Int CmdICurrentMax [15]
w Str PlayerSuspend
w Int ResetVolume
rw Int GstrBufferTime [200000]
w Str PlayerStart
r Int ManagerShutdown [-4]
w Int Kill
rw Int Volume [70]
r Int ManagerResume [1]
rw Has enqueueSnippet [*NOT SHOWN*]
w Int unpause2
w Int cancelSnippetPlayback
rw Has playSnippetNow [*NOT SHOWN*]
w Int pause2
rw Str TtsSVoice [Tom]
w Int CtrlBookmark
rw Has playFile [*NOT SHOWN*]
rw Int TextToProcess [10]
w Int stop
rw Str logMask [0xffff0000]
w Int pause
rw Str logLevel [Current log level=info
(Possible levels: all, perf, debug[9-0], info, warn, error, crit, none)]
w Int unpause
rw Str TtsSModel [full_155mrf22]
rw Int TtsISpeed [100]
w Int addSuspendLevels
r Str status [Powerd state: Active
Remaining time in this state: 308.400766
Battery Level: 97%
Last batt event at: 97%
Charging: No
Battery logging: On
w Int wakeUp
rw Int preventScreenSaver [0]
rw Str logMask [0xffff0000]
w Int suspendGrace
w Int deferSuspend
rw Str logLevel [Current log level=info
(Possible levels: all, perf, debug[9-0], info, warn, error, crit, none)]
w Int touchScreenSaverTimeout
r Str state [active]
w Int abortSuspend
r Int isCharging [0]
r Int battLevel [97]
w Int rtcWakeup
w Str date
r Str version [System Software Version: 040-S4_luigi-172597 Sat Sep 1 14:29:41 PDT 2012]
r Str boardid []
r Str waveformversion [V220_C024_60_WJ7501_D (M24, S/N 1301, 85Hz)]
r Str usid [B008A0A004357F9E]
r Str orientation []
w Str sendEvent
rw Has createProfile [*NOT SHOWN*]
r Str signalStrength [5/5
rw Has cmNWProperties [*NOT SHOWN*]
rw Has netConfig [*NOT SHOWN*]
r Str manufacturerCode [53GRADB9SMRC2WEX5DF4]
rw Has profileData [*NOT SHOWN*]
r Str feelingLuckyProfile [CBTL]
w Str cmDisconnect
rw Has currentEssid [*NOT SHOWN*]
r Str 711 [********* 1- Connection *********
1.1 MAC: 28:EF:01:A8:69:3B
1.2 Wireless: On(1)
1.3 AP: A (02:08:22:d2:18:87)
1.3.1 Signal strength: 5/5
1.3.2 Captive: no
1.3.3 Security: WPA2-PSK
1.3.4 Channel: 1
1.6 Country: CN
********* 2- Wireless Configuration *********
2.1 A 0 [WPA2-PSK][CCMP] (6)
********* 3- Interface Configuration *********
3.1 IP Address:
3.2 Netmask :
3.3 Broadcast :
3.4 Gateway :
3.5 Config : DHCP
3.6 DNS :,
3.7 Sponsored : no
********* 4- Last DHCP Session *********
Sending discover...
Offer from server xxx.xxx.43.1 received
Sending select for xxx.xxx.43.115...
Lease of xxx.xxx.43.115 obtained, lease time 43200
5 Device Time: Fri Aug 30 07:54:38 2013
r Int profileCount [2]
w Str cmConnMode
r Str cmState [CONNECTED]
w Str scan
rw Str logMask [0xffff0000]
rw Has createNetConfig [*NOT SHOWN*]
w Str cmCheckConnection
r Str cmProfile [A]
r Int cmIntfInUse [1]
rw Int enable [1]
r Str macAddress [28:EF:01:A8:69:3B]
rw Str logLevel [Current log level=info
(Possible levels: all, perf, debug[9-0], info, warn, error, crit, none)]
w Str deleteProfile
r Str scanState [idle]
w Str cmConnect
rw Has scanList [*NOT SHOWN*]
rw Has cmIntfInfo [*NOT SHOWN*]
r Str macSecret [53GRADB9SMRC2WEX5DF4]
rw Has transfer_status [*NOT SHOWN*]
w Int insertKeystroke
r Str xfsn [ELVvgP9mY0kDCu9gkeNQNYZqmnIHyNbJ9uP9xltY1/eJ3IvONcTj3bGDy7UE1w4Wb2yV3F0K9J4IFWBv9D8tGJXYHZgXqF5gXJG8eYsgooKWWH5iaa3vADv04BEdO29ecIIPVfUVejk=]
rw Str logMask [crit | error | warn | info | event | perf | test | journal | debug0 | debug1 | debug2 | debug3 | debug4 | debug5 | debug6 | debug7 | debug8 | debug9 (0xffffff0)]
w Int logContent
rw Str logLevel [debug9]
r Int wirelessSwitch [1]
w Int read
r Int isRegistered [0]
r Int wanSwitch [1]
w Int dismissDialog
rw Has dump_queues [*NOT SHOWN*]
rw Has modify [*NOT SHOWN*]
rw Has get_info [*NOT SHOWN*]
rw Has request_upload [*NOT SHOWN*]
rw Has dequeue [*NOT SHOWN*]
rw Str logMask [0xffff0000]
rw Str logLevel [Current log level=info
(Possible levels: all, perf, debug[9-0], info, warn, error, crit, none)]
rw Has send_status [*NOT SHOWN*]
rw Has request_download [*NOT SHOWN*]
rw Has obliterate [*NOT SHOWN*]
w Str newSPHSchedule
rw Str logMask [0xffff0000]
rw Str logLevel [Current log level=info
(Possible levels: all, perf, debug[9-0], info, warn, error, crit, none)]
r Int mmcIsAvailable [0]
r Int userstoreFreeSpace [3127952]
r Int driveModeState [0]
r Int mmcFreeSpace [-1]
rw Int useUsbForSerial [0]
w Int userstoreReadyToUnMount
rw Str logMask [0xffff0000]
r Int mmcTotalSpace [-1]
rw Int useUsbForNetwork [0]
r Int userstoreTotalSpace [3201936]
rw Str logLevel [Current log level=info
(Possible levels: all, perf, debug[9-0], info, warn, error, crit, none)]
r Int userstoreIsAvailable [1]
r Str activeInterface [wifi]
w Str ensureConnection
rw Str logMask [0xffff0000]
rw Str logLevel [Current log level=info
(Possible levels: all, perf, debug[9-0], info, warn, error, crit, none)]
rw Has availableInterfaces [*NOT SHOWN*]
rw Has interfaceProperties [*NOT SHOWN*]
rw Str logMask [0xffff0000]
rw Str logLevel [Current log level=info
(Possible levels: all, perf, debug[9-0], info, warn, error, crit, none)]
w Int performScan
w Int selectAutomaticMode
r Int getManagementState [0]
w Int enableManagementState
w Int requestCurrentState
w Int abortScan
w Str selectNetwork
[root@kindle root]# exit