Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Using Yowsup to get groups and group information

Took me a while to figure this out.

I had a particularly annoying problem with Python: it thinks that I'm giving it 14 parameters when I'm giving it 2. In particular, I had to add dummy parameters to sendGetGroups and sendGetGroupInfo inside so that I can pass arguments to them correctly.

Using Yowsup to get information about a group

Using Yowsup to get the list of all groups the user is participating in


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Using Yowsup to send contacts

Contacts are referred to as Vcards inside the library, so I'll refer them as Vcards from the next sentence on. Vcards work in the same way as location, as both of them do not need the media request, media upload, send media chain. A call to message_vcardSend will do. message_vcardSend accepts 3 parameters: JID of person to send to, data, and name. I had no idea what data is, so I started off writing a listener for Vcards instead, to learn the format of the data parameter.

I've included the files for the listener below.

Following the format as shown above, I wrote the code for sending Vcards. It generally works, but occasionally, the send doesn't get through and the receiver will receive nothing. If anyone can pinpoint why this happens please enlighten me.


Monday, November 3, 2014

Using Yowsup to send location

Previously when sending images, video and audio, the flow goes like this:

Request media upload -> request success -> upload -> upload success -> send url of uploaded media to other people

I realised that sending location does not follow this pattern. All it requires is calling message_locationSend with the correct parameters and it'll work.

Nevertheless, I had to fix up a bit as it does not include the "name" attribute, and it crashes my Whatsapp on iOS everytime the location is sent (as of 4 Nov 2014)...the updated is posted below. The line that is changed is marked with #sirpoot

If you send with a name, longitude and latitude you'll get this:

If you send with an empty name, you'll replicate the same thing as what Whatsapp on iOS does:


Sunday, November 2, 2014

Using Yowsup to send audio and video

It works.

Sending audio and video files work in the same way as sending images. It begins with a call to media_requestUpload with the hash, a string of the type of file to upload, and the filesize as arguments, and once the request succeeds, the client has to use MediaUploader to upload the local file, and finally when the upload completes the client can then send the URL to friends using the method message_imageSend, message_audioSend, and message_videoSend for images, audio files and video files respectively. The only difference in the API for these 3 methods are: message_audioSend does not have a preview as argument, while message_videoSend and message_imageSend both have a argument for the preview (which can be None).

Please note that most of the audio and video uploader code is copy-pasted from the image uploader, and I haven't wrote in preview code for the video uploader due to the infinite variety of video formats out there. This code is more for people to look at and see how it works than to be used in production.


Tested with .mp3 and .wav for audio, and .mp4 for video.

Using Yowsup to send audio and video files