Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Kindle digital photo frame part 5: testing and finalizing

The scripting and programming is mostly complete. Time to test the Kindle. For the purpose of testing, I set the Kindle to change screensavers every 5 minutes instead of every 3 hours. It works flawlessly for hours at a time, then fails. It always fails in the same way: displaying no picture in screensaver mode. Even manually pressing the button power twice does not solve it. Perhaps the Blanket program crashed or something, I don't know, but it fixes itself after a restart.

After hours of debugging I still cannot figure out what the problem is. Decided to call it quits, but added a recovery option should that happen. I installed KUAL and kterm, so that after a reboot I can manually run my screensaver changing script again.

Finally, I decided to consolidate both the script to change screensavers and that to download images. Here's the final masterpiece:

I've reset the screensavers to change every 3 hours instead of 5 minutes. It'll still be a few days before I present this to my girlfriend, a final few days to test and make sure it works perfect!

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